
1950 Other People’s Houses

1950 Doctor There’s Danger

1951 Children to Bless You

1951 The Camel’s Back

1952 Bachelor Beware

1952 With Vacant Possession

1953 Family Drama

We haven’t been able to locate any details or photos of this show.
If you have a programme or any other memorabilia, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch!

1954 High Spirits

1954 Murder out of Tune

1955 Nothing but the Truth

1955 Happy Days

We haven’t yet been able to locate a programme for this show.
If you have one, we would love to hear from you so please get in touch!

1957 Half Holiday

We haven’t yet been able to locate a programme or review for this show, which would have been the first to be performed in the New Memorial Hall.
If you have a programme or review that we could copy, please do get in touch!

1958 Stray Lady

1959 And This was Odd

< 1940s   1960s >